Adventure Boy In Zooloo Land

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Adventure Boy In Zooloo Land
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Version: 1.0
Upload dato: 8 Mar 18
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 1468
Størrelse: 115 Kb

Rating: 2.4/5 (Total Votes: 26)

Willy Woodcliff, the explorer of Africa, sets out to study the secrets of the hot continent together with his assistant, charming Lin Blake. Except different nature obstacle which they meet on their way, they also find the enemy among people - crazy doctor Gustavo Fernandes da Cruz. He is charmed by Willy's assistant and decides to kidnap her and to interfere with the mission of the explorer at any price.

Main features:

  • 5 forskellige steder, hvor spillets handling finder sted
  • Mulighed for at køre forskellige køretøjer
  • flot animeret grafik
  • sjove tegn hver med sin egen animation
  • interessant spilhistorie, som er lavet i de bedste traditioner i eventyrfilmene fra 1950'erne.


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