Air Buster 3D

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Air Buster 3D
Nærmere oplysninger om ansøgning:
Version: 1.0
Upload dato: 17 Jun 18
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 1360
Størrelse: 286 Kb

Rating: 2.6/5 (Total Votes: 21)

The game uses futuristic controlled models. You choose one of the eight available pilots' profiles, taking part in races against three racers on one of the four available tracks. Be careful not to strike against your opponents or your supersonic speed will decrease, affecting the control and the speed of your air car. At the end of the race the first three drivers will receive a certain charisma (leadership). 


Create as high level of the racer's charisma as possible. Becoming a leader you will be able to unblock new, dangerous and quicker pilots.


Game features: 

  • 4 forskellige typer af natur
  • 16 drivere, der hver har sin egen unikke profil
  • Fantastisk 3D-grafik, der fungerer i realtid
  • 3 niveauer af kompleksitet
  • 2 typer spil, single racer og en master mode
  • En velhavende modstander IQ
  • 5 forskellige musiknumre & nbsp;


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