Jimm er en ICQ & handel; klon til mobile enheder med J2ME & handel; (MIDP) teknologi
(Java 2 Micro Edition / Mobile Information Device Platform)
- Det arbejder på en masse enheder, som har J2ME & handel; støtte. (Ligesom PDA'er (Palm) eller de fleste moderne mobiltelefoner)
- Tilsluttes direkte til ICQ & handel; netværk via billige GPRS eller UMTS-forbindelse
- ICQ & handel; instant messaging på farten med din mobilenhed
- Bringer ICQ & handel; til din mobiltelefon eller J2ME & handel; støtte håndholdt
- Bruger protokol version 8
- Ved at bruge billige GPRS eller UMTS-forbindelse messaging med Jimm kan være op til 96 procent billigere end at bruge Short Message Service (SMS) tekstbeskeder.
- Understøtter: Sende filer, lokalhistorie, søge efter kontaktpersoner og meget mere
- Multilingual (engelsk, tysk, russisk, litauisk, bulgarsk, ukrainske og serbisk understøttes i øjeblikket)
- Gratis software, fuld kilde inkluderet (GPL'ed)
- Ikke tilknyttet eller godkendt af ICQ Inc.

1 Kommentarer
Vivian Olivia 12 Mar 25
CONTACT THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT FOR ANY CAN OF LOST FUNDS TO ONLINE SCAMMERSI wanted to take a moment to express my utmost gratitude for the incredible service THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT provided in helping me recover my lost cryptocurrency. I didn't celebrate my Christmas as expected but I am glad I will be able to make it up on New year. I had given up and was depressed until a friend of mine told me about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT, a cryptocurrency recovery company with 100% success stories. I didn’t hesitate to contact this company and I provided them with all the information including my wallet address, It took THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT 48 hours to recover my money. I’m truly grateful for their service and I recommend their service to everyone willing to recover their cryptocurrency funds. Reach out to them through their email Contact;
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
If you're in London, you can visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!