Jimm MIDP2

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Jimm MIDP2
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Version: 0.6.0
Upload dato: 26 Dec 10
Udvikler: Jimm
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 3582
Størrelse: 929 Kb

Rating: 2.1/5 (Total Votes: 71)

Jimm er en ICQ & handel; klon til mobile enheder med J2ME & handel; (MIDP) teknologi

(Java 2 Micro Edition / Mobile Information Device Platform)

  • Det arbejder på en masse enheder, som har J2ME & handel; støtte. (Ligesom PDA'er (Palm) eller de fleste moderne mobiltelefoner)

  • Tilsluttes direkte til ICQ & handel; netværk via billige GPRS eller UMTS-forbindelse

  • ICQ & handel; instant messaging på farten med din mobilenhed

  • Bringer ICQ & handel; til din mobiltelefon eller J2ME & handel; støtte håndholdt

  • Bruger protokol version 8

  • Ved at bruge billige GPRS eller UMTS-forbindelse messaging med Jimm kan være op til 96 procent billigere end at bruge Short Message Service (SMS) tekstbeskeder.

  • Understøtter: Sende filer, lokalhistorie, søge efter kontaktpersoner og meget mere

  • Multilingual (engelsk, tysk, russisk, litauisk, bulgarsk, ukrainske og serbisk understøttes i øjeblikket)

  • Gratis software, fuld kilde inkluderet (GPL'ed)
  • Ikke tilknyttet eller godkendt af ICQ Inc.

Lignende Ansøgninger


3 Mar 11


9 Mar 11


22 Dec 10

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Kommentarer til Jimm MIDP2

2 Kommentarer
  • jordy wattss 3 Oct 24
    I was once a victim of a heart-wrenching cryptocurrency scam that left me devastated. I had invested a significant sum of $95,000 worth of Ethereum in an online investment platform, hoping to reap substantial profits. Little did I know that I was about to face a nightmare. As the weeks went by, my excitement turned into despair when I realized that the platform I had trusted was nothing more than an elaborate scheme to rob unsuspecting investors like me my hard-earned Ethereum, leaving me feeling helpless and betrayed. After extensive research, I came across Synack Hackers Recovery Team, a crypto recovery specialist who helps victims like me regain their stolen assets. After weeks of tireless efforts, (s y n a c k h a c k e r s @ p r o t o n . m e ) had successfully recovered a substantial portion of my lost Ethereum. To anyone who finds themselves in a similar unfortunate situation, I urge you not to lose hope. Reach out to Synack Hackers Team.
  • خيري 10 Nov 24
    تعليق لام اعرف كيف احمل واثبت فيس بوك واتساب
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