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Version: 1.0
Upload dato: 5 Jul 18
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 5035
Størrelse: 8146 Kb
Stalker Alexey "Grey" Sivchenko finds himself in Pripyat underground for the second time. This time he has a definite purpose- to fulfill the task given by scientists, that is to take measurements and make the safest underground way to the heart of the Zone. But he also has his own goal that is to destroy Monolith and destroy the Zone. But will he manage to survive in so much changed catacombs of Pripyat? ..
Game features: & Nbsp;
- HD-grafik; Det er synd, men S40 er forbi, men Tjernobyl er overalt;
- En grænseflade; Jeg er en pioner, men det er netop en grænseflade, ikke en efterligning af det;
- Gameplay-funktioner; indskrifter på væggene, advarselsskilte;
- M3G 2.0 fra Elite - Lyde af originalen, Fravær af fejl;
- Et nyt plot - en fortsættelse af sensationelle "Undeground of Pripyat"
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