Trivial Pursuit Deluxe Edition

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Trivial Pursuit Deluxe Edition
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Version: 1.0
Upload dato: 15 Mar 18
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 407
Størrelse: 485 Kb

Rating: 1.7/5 (Total Votes: 7)

Popular game, known all over the world, appears on mobile screens in absolutely new shape with lots of additional means!
"Trivial Pursuit Deluxe Edition" starts the new epoch of the mobile entertainment. Board game "Trivial Pursuit" has been holding at the top of the selling rating for more than 20 years. Having preserved the traditions of the board version of this game, the mobile game adds many new means and includes several multiplayer modes. "Trivial Pursuit Deluxe Edition" - is going to check your knowledge in different areas, starting with art and literature and up to sports and everyday life. Different difficulty levels and possibility to unlock new means as you play will keep this game in your mobile for many months!

Game features:

  • Mere end 1000 spørgsmål, som du aldrig har hørt før

  • Unikt system for optegnelser og priser

  • Tre sværhedsgrader


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