Ultimate Fun 5 in 1

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Ultimate Fun 5 in 1
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Version: 1.0
Upload dato: 12 Mar 18
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 492
Størrelse: 2963 Kb

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total Votes: 6)

This is an excellent collection of five games gathered in one game application. Five games (mix of classic and original games),which will come to taste of all fans of game collections, arcade games, logic and flying games:

  • Solitaire;
  • Mistet bold;
  • Stonedge;
  • Pacpac;
  • Rocketman.

Du vil ikke kede dig med denne spilsamling. Hvis du bliver træt af at spille et spil, kan du skifte til en anden. Hvert spil tilbyder 4 unikke trofæer. Nyd dette spil! Udfyld alle niveauer og blive ekspert!



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