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Version: 1.00
Upload dato: 13 Jan 17
Udvikler: Player One
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 728
Størrelse: 2741 Kb
Bass Fishing Mania - Fiskere-fagfolk eller bare kærester, såvel som dem, der aldrig har haft en fiskestang i hånden, dykke ned i den ekstraordinære verden af fascinerende fiskeri ved hjælp af din mobiltelefon. Test dine evner i den mobile version af den meget realistisk simulator fiskeri!
To win in the competition fishermen, you need the newest equipment, so do not forget to go to the shop, Billy Bob, where he won the money you can spend on the best bait, fishing rods, etc. And some special devices you can get as a reward for especially good catches!
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